Understanding Birth

Life is truly amazing, in all its shapes, sizes, fashions and forms. Understanding birth, which is the job of the female is first consumated by conception which is a fertilized egg by the male. Giving birth like trying to understand God is a total wonder and amazement, that a little life could come into the world and start breathing aparntly all on its own. It was formed and fashioned being made in the mothers womb and at just the right time it came intot he world of the living to start a life for itself. Babies need a lot of care and attention, they are a full time job to look after and to bring up. They require special needs with food, such as milk products, nappy changing and a whole of of other things to make the new world a happy and safe place to be, exist and grow up in. That is the job of the parents. The same applies in the wild, in the natural kingdom of the ecosystem where each species replenishes its type my natural means in that each species breeds with its own kind and you very rarely get a mutation from incompatable genes.

The world is a wonderful place and we can celebrate life everyday in many ways and different forms, shapes and sizes. We have to come to the point where we accept life for what it is, a truly wonderful gift from God that lets us all enjoy and benefit from it. Life requires respect by its very nature, of demanding natural cylces and weather patterns that can change our world and its environment extremely. Like understanding human birth we can also look at how our world was created, gaseous substances coming together in extreme heat and pressure to form a solidified mass as a planet, of which we call earth and that has slowly cooled down over millions of years.

Giving birth to a planet of a human population over 7 biillion people of what we have now, is not something you can't do in a day or even nine months. It is a slow and gradual process of formation and evolvement and shaping, with the centrifical force of the earth turning in a magnetic circle as it rotates, spins and turns in orbit, its rough edges slowly become as smooth as they can be with only mountains an valleys extending and pertruding from and being sunk from below the surface of the seas. How the first cell of life came into being, your guess is as good as mine, but now we have such a wide range of different types of species in and of all types of life to populate our earth, as can be considered, imagined or catalogued.

The birth of all kinds of life is truly amazing and we just have to stand back in awe of the divine creator and say, yes God, job well done. I will give you the credit for that one.