Why Do People Live

Why do people live and not die. Apart from the logical reason of instinct to stay alive out of self care, desire and necessity, there are a lot of reasons why people want to live and not die and there is also medical reasons why people are assisted to stay alive and not die. Also a recent indcident with assisted suicide where someone gave up the ghost on life voluntarily and allowed other people to assist them to die and take their own life. That is totally beyond me for reason when the sanctity of life is so precious. I am not going to harp ont hat but look at all the goodness and blessings of life and reasons to stay alive.

God is good and shows us abundant kindness in all the worldly apsects of nature and magnificent things of creation. There any many more reasons to live and not die. Money the obvious one, is that people seem to want to die for it pyschologically, but it is a depressive once you have got it and does not lead to happiness but stress, anxiety, worry, depression and nervous conditions. I should not really say that but if you have a lot of money and you are healthly then you might be happy, but how can you sit back with multimillions of dollers and see people starving on the streets and in in third world countries living in malnutrition and humanly degrading conditions. Of cource there is the natural atraction between the sexes which creates love and a will to live becuase you have someone to share all you possessions, thoughts and ideas with.

There is going to the beach for a swim or run, walking in the park and seeing the ducks on the pond. Taking a hike in a National Park or wilderness on set walking tracks to experince nature in a pristine environmental condition. To see the great whale or any other type of whale for that matter, dolfins and tropical fish in the natural envirnoment There are many reasons to live and not die. For those who have matured enough tro start their own family, build a house or save and buy one to bring up children intot he world, that is a family love affair with purpose, reason and meaning to live. For children and adults the joy of experiiencing things for the first time, seeing a flock of birds or a rain forest, having a pet dog or cat or parrot.

Even when you are tired of life, a fresh experience in the wild, like catching a salmon in a mountain stream or just going estorey fishing for a while to see what you can get. A moutain hike or a ride on a bike through suburban bike tracks, there are literarily so many things to do that there is no reason for any of us to get bored. Bordom creates depression as well, lost and confined to you own ideas and ways of thinking instead of sharing them with others. You have to learn to stay active and interested in life, that is why people have a reason to live, they are busy and not bored, facinated and not perplexed, creative and not dull. Life goes on and on with reasons to live, just try and think of as many as you can for yourself next time you get bored or depressed with negativity and lazimindedness and idleness. Life has so much more to offer than death, choose life.