Something I Have To Explain

I don't know what it is, but it is something that I have to explain, even though I don't know what it is to explain what it is. That is a very philosophical statement about life, trying to explain what you know and really it is the hard core reality of life and love and just being what ever you want to be. It is important to be a good person, to reflect care and concern on others, to love when the days are tiring and weary and to just keep going and battle through no matter, no matter how difficult the circumstanses are. God is concerned about your life and he has a plan to prosper you and not hurt you, to lead you along the road of life to the best possible outcome that you can have at the end of it. He offers peace and prosperity, unconditional love and and joy never ending for those who do His bidding and work towards advancing His kingdom, The Kingdom of God.

The end result is a place in the kingdom of heaven, where war and fighting cease and peace and harmony reign for ever and ever, Amen. It is not an easy job but it is something that I have to explain, how the kingdom of God works and all its benefits and advantages, living a life of health and peace and not self destruction and the torment of a torn soul through substance abuse and alcoholic addictions. It is about following the rule book set out in the guidlelines of The Bible and it is about feeedom in the spirit and living everyday to its full potential and maximum achievement. Sure we get tired and frustrated, weary and concerned when things don't go our way, but the truth is it is not meant to go our way, but God's way. How often we want to kick ourselves for not being good enough when we are good enough in God's eyes all the time and we just have to open our eyes to see what God wants to show us all the time. It is hard yakka and it does get boring and tiring, but what are the alternatives, going down hill on a bent spiral to an early death and serious loss of health and vitality. If we see the errror of our ways and change soon enough then there is hope and joy into being accepted back into God's kingdom. It is really never too late as long as you have time to make a decision to turn your life around and follow Him.

God is there waiting all the time for those sinners who have gone off on the own way for the time being until they realize that they can't do it on their own, but must achknowledge Jesus as there God and saviour, he is there waiting for us to come to Him and live happily ever after in the kingdom of God in heaven, while we gradualy make our way upon the earth to do the best for Him that we can, so that we can repay His kindness with the love and peace He offers us. Sure it is no easy feet and no mean job to give in to our selfish pride and sinful suffering, but we must do it we are going to live a bit longer on the earth. You are not as good as God, admit it and you will be so much happier by doing so, you owe yourself that favour.

God loved you so much that he sent His son to die for you 2000 years ago on the excruciating cross, to die for your sins, he stretched out His arms and gave up His spirit for you to have life, that is the best way I have ever heard of of saying I love you. How can you turn your back on that, do yourself a favour and give in to God, it wil be the best thing that you could ever possible do in your life. Then he rose from the dead and went to heaven to reign with his father for ever and ever after setting us the example and showing us the way. He said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me. Turn from your evil ways and don't remain dead forever.