I Must Have Needed That

I must of needed that and you can take your hat off to that to and worship God with me. Bow down on your knees and ask for forgiveness for all those things that you have done wrong like me, I must have needed that and that is why God sent his son to die for you and me. I must have needed that, what was it again, time, money, wisdom, love, peace and joy. Was that the gift of leadership to lead this people in the way that God would have me do. Like when God asked Soloman what do you want me to give you, he said give me wisdom so that I will know how to lead and govern these people, so that they will know what to do with their lives and not waste their lives away idlely. To make them more productive, to build the temple of God and the palace to live in. So God gave Soloman what he needed and everything else that he did not ask for because He saw the heart and soul of a servant minded king who would commit himself totally to God and serving Him for His purposes. Of cource we know that Soloman did not quite live up to all those expecations because foreign women corrupted him and lead him astray.

Never the less Soloman did build the temple and castle after His father David had been told that he would not do so. Even though David wrote more Psalms and poetry than anyone else and Soloman wrote many Proverbs and words of wisdom in verse, they still were not perfect and needed the fullfilment of the coming saviour many generations later from their geneology in the form of Jesus who was both God and man and the perfect saviour king.

I must have needed that and so must have you, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. It seems that I try and reiterate that all the time, but it is of such key importance that we seek and serve our saviour and that we don't become hemmed in but the trappings and trimmings of this world and all the niceties and luxuries that we can afford to make this life on earth more comfortable and enjoyable. It seems that we still try and get away with anything we can, take everything we want for ourselves at ervery opportunity and neglect the greater things of life and the calling of God to love and serve the Lord. I must have needed that and that is why Christ pointed me in that direction, to love and serve the Lord God with all my heart soul and mind.

I must of needed that and God called me for that very purpose, to love and serve Him and to glorify Him forever and ever and a day in His kingdom of love and peace and joy and kindness with mercy grace, and goodness and servanthood. The Holy Spirit is our guide and helper see the truth, the light and the praiseworthiness of God and to bow down in humble adoration and take it on board for our selves to serve and love the Lord. I think I need that, I must have needed that, thankyou God and I will continue to do so, Amen..