Why Weren't You Looking ?

Why weren't you looking, as if to say you could not see what you were looking for and it was right in front of you all the time. It was a strange thing I know, you thought you knew what it was and it is still something that you had to look for to find but you could not. If it was staring you in the face any more, it would have hit you on the head, but you decided to duck and weave and try and avoid whatever it was you were trying to find. It was The Gospel Message and Jesus calling your name to come home to him and to enter into the kingdom of God and hear the faithful word of the Lord preached to you so that you could understand what it means. I had to tell you what it was, because you were too ignorant, pigheaded and stubborn to listen. Just like I was when I walked away from God and had to have a serious car accident before I realized the error of my ways.

We all get like that at times and we all fall away from the Gospel at sometime in our life because we are not good enough to go along the road on our own. The Bible says that all fall short of the glory of God, none is righteous, no not one. We have sinned and gone our own ways and are in desperate need of a saviour to save us, not only from ourselves but from the fires and pits of hell. That is why you need the Lord Jesus because you could not save yourselves and He died on the cross for you two thousand years ago to give you peace and security for your lives and lead into heaven when you are all good and done. You can have peace now, but you must repent from your sins, you must ask for forgiiveness, 1 John 1:9 and accept the Lord Jesus as your personal saviour now. Ask Him into your heart to purify you from all unrighteousness, to save your souls from the pits of hell and to lead you home on high into heaven

God is a good God and wants the best for your lives, give Him a chance and choose life and not death. Why weren't you looking, Jesus was looking at and for you calling you home to be with Him in heaven for ever and ever, but you chose to go your own way and follow the way of that trickster the Devil and fall into the sinful path of Satan. The good news is that you have a second chance and Jesus died for your sins for that very reason, that you might know the salvation of God and live in peace and righteousness forever more in your home in heaven. Look to Jesus. He is is kind and gentle and will not harm you, He only wants what is best for you, a life of purity and holiness.

A life of greatness and goodness. A God of love, mercy, kindness and grace. Come to Jesus, that is what it is all about, then Jesus will come to you. Why weren't you looking choose life and not death, look to Jesus.