Other People

Other people are important, do you look at your self in the mirror and say I look like someone else, we are all unique you know even if you have an identical twin, mannerisms and character play and important part in personality and therefore your outward appearance. However that is not my point for today in what we are looking at but there is some relationship between individuals. My point is that it is no good doing life on your own and we all need other people in some way shape or form, to relate to, to bounce ideas off and generally just communicate for entertainment and conversations sake. As well as business deals, family matters of finance and just what you are having for dinner tonight. Where did you go on your last holiday and where are you going on your next one. We are all looking for something in life and most of the time it can be found in other people and relationships.

We see other people and they see us, we tell them what we think and they inturn tell us their ideas to. We relate because we are a unique race called human beings and we have lots in common and we share lots of diiferent things in our community, church and work place. People need to be loved, treated fairly, shown kindness and cause and concern for their well being. Many different relational ideas have been tossed around the table, but we keep coming back to the highest form of love and that is self sacrifice, admitting that you can't do life on your own and recognising the worth and potential in other people to relate. Helping where you can without debtrament to your own health, but recognising that caring and sharing is of value to society and that love makes the world go around, not money. While we have this gift of time on earth we must use it wisely and offer our services and skills to put back into society what we have taken out.

Recontributing to the world instead of just greed, greed, greed all the time. We must work towards the common goal of universal understanding and expect results and fruition for our efforts for working towards the common good, which is much more satisfying that working for self indulgence. Other people are important and we should put them on top of our priority list, as one can't work without another persons understanding. Because remember that when you sit down to talk, or when you walk down the street you don't look at yourself you look at other people. It is good to remember that, because other people see you in the same way as you see them, clothes make a difference but it is the heart that matters. We must relate face to face to appreciate the difference which is really only in the mind of the perciever / receiver. I leave that one to you to question to yourself.