Its What's Inside That Counts

Its what's inside that counts, what sort of person you are and how you treat other people. People know what type of person you are by your disposition towards them and what it is that motivates you, your passion for living or your desire to make money. Poeple see the heart of other people and know what type of person they are, by the way they conduct their business and how they treat others. Jesus said, The Kingdom of God is Within, He was not only talking about a persons heart, mind, soul and being but the glory of a God centred and Christ filled person who has love to show and shine out through their intentions, abilities and acts of love and kindness.

I guess you could also through in bodily organs which physically make up a person and their basic necessity and need to function, but he mainly meant their spiritual characteristics and their motives of heart. Its what is inside a person that counts, not outward appearances and the need to have more money, but the type of person you are and that is how others see you towards themself. Don't judge by mere appearances Jesus said, God does not look at the outside by sees the heart and soul of man, not all the nice clothes and makeup that cover up hidden sin. Greed, material desire of more possessions, corruption of heart and untrustworthiness. God wants us to trust Him before all else, He wants us to achknowledge Him as our Lord and saviour and put Him first in out lives

This is what makes a person clean, it is their knowledge of God, not what they have bought and kept to themselves. Sure you have to wash and have a shower daily but it is harder to clean on the inside to get rid of all the corruption and filth from a dirty type of lifestyle, which takes years of purification or you end up in in jail or dead or even worse, go to hell forever. Being a nice person is more important than all the money in the world, it is no good saying I wish someone was dead and just wanting to take everything they own, God sees the heart and will reward and punish accordingly to what they have done, their is a final judgement and it is on the motives of the heart, how you have acted and been towards others and God.

So it is what is inside a person that counts in the end, even more on day to day decisons of self sacrifice and daily denials of personal needs and requirements. God will reward you in heaven if you have done what is right towards others on earth. Not by how much money you have in the bank, but by how much love you have in your heart. Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.