The Intelligent Mind

Amidst the facts of the memory in the brains retrieval system is the sub conscious that triggers thoughts from ideas in our past which may be pleasant or ugly depending on how we utilised out time in the past. The intelligent mind is always seeking to acquire new knowledge to store, sue and invest in the future with. From these ideas we have what is known as or called information power or the generation of resource activity". The mind complex as it is, develops over long time periods to eventually reach a status of intelligible awareness.

Through reading, creation and documentation of ideas it manifests itself into an individual characterising in a personified form. In other words by what we do and say, what we eat and drink and what we are prepared to not prepared to accept. The utilisation effectiveness is evaluated by the capacity to retrain. The more bits and pieces we add to it, the more accessible and useful are its resources. Like the self organisation of thought, the intelligent mind is a working capital producing entity that revolves and thrives on business, requiring contacts turnover and redistribution, recycling and changes to finally evolve into an intellectual state. The mind or the intelligent mind is the product of many diligent hours of study., resourcing and learning. It's place is the part of the conscious that constantly seeks to understand and advance. It is the safeguard of everything we think.